Thursday, June 5, 2008

Victoria Airport Authority Pledges $1,000

I met with Richard Paquette the CEO of the Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) on Thursday. Mr. Paquette took time out of a very busy day; he was launching the first United Airlines direct service to San Francisco today. Talk about a thousand details to take care of. It is amazing what goes on behind the scenes to get a new air service into an airport. A lot of hard work by a lot of hard working people.

In the midst of all that Mr. Paquette met with myself and over coffee promised $1,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society on behalf of the Round the Isle of Man project.

Later in the morning I had a meeting with Dr. Iain McAuley. It's been his steady hands that have been doing the carving and cutting.

As we discussed the next phase of my treatment I told him how his deft work with the microscopic knife has given me the time and motivation for this project. He then insisted on giving me a cheque for $200. This from the man who is giving me back my health.

It was raining when I left his office but, if you'd stopped and asked me, I'd have told you the sun was shinning. thank you gentlemen.

With the VAA pledge the total in cash, cheques and online donations is now over $3,400.

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